Lightbox Gallery reload code help needed
I have a single page website with a portfolio gallery. On this gallery I load the content with lightbox and I use Advanced Ajax Page Loader to load next works on same page with ajax. For that to work, I need to use a reload code for the Gallery Lightbox, this is the code:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery(“.gallery1 a”).attr(“rel”,”gallery1″);
jQuery(‘a[rel=”gallery1″]’).colorbox({title: function(){ return jQuery(this).children().attr(“alt”); }});
});But on the portfolio thumbnails I use rel=”lightbox[<?php the_title(); ?>] to load only the images of the post as a lightbox gallery, but when I go on the next page, the reload code turns the rel into rel=”gallery1″, which ruins the gallery…
Is there any way to put rel=”lightbox[<?php the_title(); ?>] into that reload code? I don’t know much about jQuery to do so.
Any help is appreciated, thank you
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