It isn’t possible to display the Google event details page in a lightbox thingy, as Google prevent the page from loading in an iframe
on a non google.com domain (I’ve no idea why).
However, you can sort of build the same functionality yourself using the event display builder (in the plugin settings, under “Display Options”).
For example, you could enter something like the following in the event display builder field:
<a class="thickbox" href="#TB_inline?inlineId=gce-[event-id]&width=300&height=200">More details...</a>
<div id="gce-[event-id]" class="gce-lightbox-content">
<div>Location: [location]</div>
<div>Description: [description]</div>
You’ll also need to ensure that Thickbox jQuery plugin that is included with WordPress is loaded, which you can do with a little functionality plugin (code here, or download as a .zip here).
Finally, some CSS:
.gce-lightbox-content {
position: absolute;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
That should cause anything within the .gce-lightbox-content
to be displayed in a lightbox when the “More details…” link is clicked. The CSS ensures the lightbox content is hidden until the link is clicked.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have further questions.