• Resolved Josh Journey


    Simple lightGallery works when displaying a vanilla WP gallery.

    However when a plugin such as ‘Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack’ is enabled, Simple lightGallery doesn’t work at all. This is because Tiled Galleries does not load a < figure > tag. When I remove the figure tag from the DOM for a standard thumbnail display this breaks lightgallery from loading. Standard Jetpack also doesn’t utilize the figure tag around it’s thumbnails:


    Is there any way to remove the figure tag requirement?

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  • Plugin Author Savvas


    Hi there @ljosh ,

    The plugin provides out of the box support to vanilla WP gallery shortcode. You can disable this and just use your own initialization code. See below:



    wow, this is brilliant. this actually provides the workaround for my other post ??

    you’re a rockstar!

    Thread Starter Josh Journey


    I spent a few hours playing around with code which I seem to be getting close?

    Writing the following jQuery does load the right id’s but doesn’t initiate the lightbox:
    $(“.tiled-gallery”).each(function(i) {
    var galleryCount = $(this)
    galleryCount.attr(‘id’, ‘gallery-‘ + i);

    document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {
    // Select all divs with an ID starting with ‘gallery-‘
    document.querySelectorAll(‘div[id^=”gallery-“]’).forEach(function(galleryDiv) {
    // For each gallery item within this gallery div
    galleryDiv.querySelectorAll(‘.tiled-gallery-item’).forEach(function(galleryItem) {
    // Retrieve the text inside the figcaption element.
    var caption = galleryItem.querySelector(‘.the-image-title’)?.textContent || ”;
    // Add the data-sub-html attribute to the corresponding <a> element
    galleryItem.querySelector(‘a’).setAttribute(‘data-sub-html’, caption);
    // Get the ID of the current div
    var id = galleryDiv.getAttribute(‘id’);
    // Use a regular expression to extract the number from the ID
    var number = id.match(/\d+/)[0];
    // Initialize lightGallery
    lightGallery(galleryDiv, {
    plugins: [lgAutoplay, lgComment, lgFullscreen, lgHash, lgRelativeCaption, lgShare, lgThumbnail, lgVideo, lgZoom],
    selector: ‘a’,
    galleryId: number,

    When I modify the PHP output of tiled-gallery.php and manually add id=”gallery-0″ this allows the gallery to function. However each gallery URL hash is set to gallery 0 (first gallery) despite the DOM being dynamically changed via JS to have id’s gallery-1, gallery-2, gallery-3. I tried adding a setTimeout function but that changed nothing. In other words it seems the gallery initiation reads the PHP output such as <div id=”gallery-0″> but not when the id’s are created through jQuery. I’ve tried multiple variations including just having jQuery generate the ids. I’d love to loop through each .tiled-gallery item via PHP which I’m certain would fix the hash problem, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to count the .tiled-gallery objects. I placed the loop counter outside foreach, created a global var + initiated 0, created a imageCount++, placed it in various loops, reconstructed into custom function, ect. I’ve been able to count the gallery rows/individual images. But the counter resets on the next gallery.

    If there is a way for lightgallery to see the div’s with id’s gallery-1, gallery-2, gallery-3 that was generated from jQuery this would in theory initiate the gallery.

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