Hi @dogee
Possibly, with some custom javascript. There is a javascript event handler added to any grid thumbnail click to open the panel with a larger image. Lightbox uses the same event I think. With custom javascript, you could possibly remove the thumbnail click event added by this plugin and add your own that uses lightbox.
To be honest, my intention with this plugin is to not use lightbox. I am not a fan of it.
The plugin upgrade (https://imagegallerygooglestyle.com/upgrade/) includes a previous and next option so you can click through the images in the gallery.
I have been wondering if the free version needs a few more options to be of more interest. What interests you in it? Do you like lightbox? Would you prefer not to use lightbox if possible? What would make this work for you?
I am offering the upgrade at 50% off right now. There is a code you can copy and paste in the upgrade website at the top of each page. What do you think of the price?
Thanks @dogee. I appreciate any feedback.