• Resolved Bill Murphy


    Theme: ComicPress GreyMatter

    Hello, I viewed my website on a friend’s computer to see how it looks. I am very disappointed to see that the light gray background for my posts are displaying in dark gray. This makes the text nearly impossible to read. This has been happening sporadically on different Comic pages using two different computers of different brand names. My website looks fine on my own computer and my phone.

    I logged in on my friend’s computer and everything suddenly looked fine. But when I logged out, my posts went back to the dark gray. This appears to be happening only on my “Cast” page and Home page now.

    I logged out of my website on my own computer and nothing went wrong. The website continued to display exactly how I set it up.

    I would love to hear if anyone knows what might be causing this.
    Or if you go to my site, please reply if it is showing up as either Light or Dark Gray.

    Thank you so much!
    Bill Murphy

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  • dark grey in IE7, light grey in FF14.

    this style (in style.css of the child theme):

    .ie .type-post, .ie .type-page, .ie .type-comic, .ie .type-showcase, .ie .type-music, .ie #comment-wrapper, .ie .sidebar h2 {
    	background: #ddd;

    sems to be intended to show a bright grey in IE, but the body_class does not seem to get created properly – for instance in IE7 I don’t see a .ie class in the body tag.

    there is also some (wrong) php code at the end of that style.css.

    the dark grey is defined here background: #111; in style.css of the child theme (this line is probably used in all older browser such as IE7):

    #submit, #searchform button,
    .type-post, .type-page, .type-comic,
    .type-showcase, .type-music,
    .sidebar h2, #comment-wrapper {
    	padding: 2px 5px;
    	background: #111;
    	-moz-border-radius: 10px;
    	-khtml-border-radius: 10px;
    	-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
    	border-radius: 10px;
    	background:-moz-linear-gradient(100% 100% 90deg,#aaa, #ccc, #ddd 100%);
        /* IE8 uses -ms-filter for whatever reason... */
    	-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(
            gradientType=1, startColor=#ccc, endColoStr=#FFFFFF
            background-image: -webkit-gradient(
              linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)),
              to(rgba(170, 170, 170, 3.0))

    Thread Starter Bill Murphy


    Thank you so much for replying so quickly!
    I started working on my website three weeks ago and just begun to share it with others. No one suggested so far that the background was too dark to read. (I might have to start calling them)

    One of the two computers experiencing this issue is running IE9. I currently don’t have access to the other one. Both computers having this issue were used to view my website when I first started working on it. I never logged in as admin on them before today.

    Where you said, “(wrong) php code at the end of that style.css” do you know where that code might have come from? I try and stay away from php and css since I’m new to this and do not want to mess anything up.

    Bill Murphy

    “(wrong) php code at the end of that style.css” do you know where that code might have come from?

    no – if it is not in the original child theme, somebody must have added it –
    this is the code that does not belong (code like this should be in functions.php of the theme):

    add_filter('previous_post_rel_link', 'comicpress_rel_link_removal', $link);
    add_filter('next_post_rel_link', 'comicpress_rel_link_removal', $link);
    function comicpress_rel_link_removal($link) {
       global $post, $wp_query;
       if (is_single() && comicpress_in_comic_category()) $link=false;
       return $link;
    add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'new_default_avatar' );
    function new_default_avatar ( $avatar_defaults ) {
    		$new_avatar_url = get_bloginfo( 'template_directory' ) . '/images/new_default_avatar.png';
    		Casually Employed
    		$avatar_defaults[$new_avatar_url] = 'Your New Default Avatar';
    		return $avatar_defaults;
    Thread Starter Bill Murphy



    Thank you! ??

    That seemed to have fixed my homepage.

    I added that code (cut and paste) following some directions I found to get a custom avatar on my comments section. It didn’t go well for me (my entire site went blank) so I stayed away from php ever since.

    However, my “Cast” page is still not showing up correctly.

    There was another time (following directions) I did some editing where I tried to get the “EMAIL” box in comments to read next to it “Required/Not Published” or “Email will not be displayed”. It didn’t work and my site didn’t seem to be altered in any way so I left my edit alone in fear of really messing something up. Lesson learned. I’ll look to see if I can remember where that was and correct it in case that might be messing something else up that I haven’t noticed yet.

    Thank you so much for your help!
    Bill Murphy

    possibly edit the background color in this style and change it to #ddd:

    #submit, #searchform button,
    .type-post, .type-page, .type-comic,
    .type-showcase, .type-music,
    .sidebar h2, #comment-wrapper {
    	padding: 2px 5px;
    	background: #111;
    Thread Starter Bill Murphy



    Oh my god, it worked! Thank you!
    I’m stunned with how quickly you were able to solve my issues.

    I’ll be checking that third computer this evening to make sure the website pages are displaying correctly on it. At that point I’ll mark this topic as resolved.

    Again, thank you for helping me. There is no way I would have figured this out by myself.

    Bill Murphy

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