• Resolved TT74



    I have three questions:

    1) It says on cookiebot.com site:

    “- example.com/en, example.com/it and example.com/da are treated as 1 domain.”

    This is how my site is also constructed so one license should be enough. But how can I make this work, when

    example.com (is a WP installation)
    example.com/blog-1 (is another WP installation), and
    example.com/blog-2 (is also a WP installation)

    Do I install plugin to each of them but use the same “activation code” or what ever you call it?

    2) I live in a EU country, and the authorities suggest in their official instructions that if a user opts-in to cookies, by just ticking some boxes and clicking buttons, opting-out should be made as simple, and always available. Is there a mechanism where the site visitor can trigger opt-out option (at any time) as easily as he did opting-in?

    3) What is considered as a page by Cookiebot? On this plugin’s rating page @arjanolsder is not happy about your pricing model. What I consider as a page, and probably also how others do, is explained here:
    Having a lot of content doesn’t necessary mean that there are many pages. What is a page by your interpretation?

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  • Plugin Author cookiebot


    Hi @tt74,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    1) It says on cookiebot.com site:

    “- example.com/en, example.com/it and example.com/da are treated as 1 domain.”

    This is how my site is also constructed so one license should be enough. But how can I make this work, when

    example.com (is a WP installation)
    example.com/blog-1 (is another WP installation), and
    example.com/blog-2 (is also a WP installation)

    Do I install plugin to each of them but use the same “activation code” or what ever you call it?

    You have to install the cookiebot plugin to each of your WP installations. In the cookiebot manager, you have the option to create “Domain groups”. Each domain group has its own settings in regards to how the cookie consent banner is displayed. If you would like to display the same banner on your sites/pages, then you have to use the same CBID (which is a unique ID for each domain group) on all installations.

    2) I live in a EU country, and the authorities suggest in their official instructions that if a user opts-in to cookies, by just ticking some boxes and clicking buttons, opting-out should be made as simple, and always available. Is there a mechanism where the site visitor can trigger opt-out option (at any time) as easily as he did opting-in?

    If you implement the cookie-declaration that we provide, there is a link to opt out from cookies. When the user visits the cookie-declaration page, they have the ability to withdraw their consent. The shortcode for displaying the cookie-declaration is: [cookie_declaration], also explained in the installation instructions.

    Moreover, if you would like to give your users an easier way of opting out, than the one we provide by default, you can implement this yourself, by using our javascript API.

    Code examples:

    Change consent:
    <a href="javascript:CookieConsent.renew();CookieDeclaration.SetUserStatusLabel();">Changing your consent</a>

    Withdraw consent:
    <a href="javascript:CookieConsent.withdraw();CookieDeclaration.SetUserStatusLabel();">Withdraw consent</a>

    For the above methods to work, the cookiebot javascript has to be available on the page.

    3) What is considered as a page by Cookiebot? On this plugin’s rating page @arjanolsder is not happy about your pricing model. What I consider as a page, and probably also how others do, is explained here:
    Having a lot of content doesn’t necessary mean that there are many pages. What is a page by your interpretation?

    Our interpretation of a “Page” is not the same as in the link that you’ve provided, since a “Blog post” is not a “Page” in their terminology. For us, blog posts are also pages, and they can contain cookies through pictures, embedded videos and more. Therefor, we have to scan all links on your site, in order to provide your end-users with a full overview of all cookies, including 3rd party cookies, so that the end-users know what they are consenting to. One exception is “dynamic views”, where a page can have unique urls/links, but returns the same content, displayed in different ways. This is actually a single page, and we can filter this.

    Hope that we’ve clarified your questions.

    [ Signature deleted ]

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by cookiebot.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    In my test, tags, categories etc are also counted as pages…

    Plugin Author cookiebot


    @arjanolsder, yes, that is correct.

    Ads, for instance, can be displayed when accessing tag or category pages, which is why these types of pages also count.

    [ Signature deleted ]

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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