• Hi there.
    I’m trying to implement your plugin into my website, but I’m facing a strange issue. I can activate and deactivate all the license key I create and all the response I get from the system are expected, there are no errors or key mismatching, but when I try to deactivate a key from your sample-plugin in a site “A” the license admin panel in a site “B” keep showing the license key as ‘active’.
    I’ve already tried to reinstall a fresh copy of both the plugins but the problem is still there.
    Is there a way to update the license, for example to pending?
    Checking the log file I see that when I try to activate a key the plugin update the license status to active, but on deactivation it doesn’t show anything similar.
    Every help or suggestion is really appreciated.


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  • Plugin Author mra13


    Do you see any error when you try the deactivation? What message/reply do you get back from the server?

    Thread Starter Novelz24


    No errors, everything works fine, I get the success response both in activation and deactivation but the panel doesn’t update the license status.
    On activation I get “License key activated” and it updates the status from pending to active but on deactivation it doesn’t update from active to “inactive”.

    Plugin Author mra13


    It doesn’t need to change the status. It will remove the URL from the domains list. Then that license can be used again. Once a license is active, you don’t want to deactivate that because same license could be used on other domains (if you allow more than 1 domain to use the key).

    All you need to know is that, once the key is deactive, it can be used again (upto the limit you allow for that key).

    Thread Starter Novelz24


    Ok, but if I try to use the api call to check the license status it will respond me with an active status even if the license key was deactivated, is this the normal behaviour?

    Use the slm_check to verify if the license is active or not. This example code will throw a JavaScript alert if the license comes back activated or deactivated.

    /*** Verify license key is active ***/
    	$api_params = array(
    		'slm_action' => 'slm_check',
    		'secret_key' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY_GOES_HERE',
    		'license_key' => get_option('sample_license_key'), //replace with your license key field name.
    	// Send query to the license manager server
    	$response = wp_remote_get(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL), array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
    	$license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
    	global $active, $message;
    	if($license_data->result == 'success'){?>
    	<?php }else{ ?>
            <?php }

    You could even go a step further and check if the license is active and as well as if it is past the expiration date.

    /*** Verify license key is active and expire date has not passed ***/
    	$api_params = array(
    		'slm_action' => 'slm_check',
    		'secret_key' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY_GOES_HERE',
    		'license_key' => get_option('sample_license_key'), //replace with your license key field name.
    	// Send query to the license manager server
    	$response = wp_remote_get(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL), array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
    	$license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
    	global $active, $message;
    	if($license_data->result == 'success' && $license_data->date_expiry >= date('Y-m-d')){?>
    	<?php }else{ ?>
            <?php }

    Running this will show you an alert that will verify it works. After you have verified that it works, just replace the JavaScript alerts with whatever functions you want to run for activated and deactivated.

    I’m using this same code to activate the shortcode in my plugin if the license is activated and the expiration date hasn’t passed. If the expiration date has passed and the license is still active, then my shortcode still isn’t usable.

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