• Hello. I’ve installed WordPress for the first time and liked it. My purpose for it is making a personal blog. Thank you all who make this possible

    I wanted to restrict some of my posts because I plan to write some information I just want some special friends to see without the need of them having an account on the blog (I prefer being the only one with account on there). The idea is, password protecting the particular posts, but there’s no way of showing an excerpt of the post then prompting for the password (for example after a read more link or whatever other mark).

    I’ve been looking through the first few pages of plugins when searching “password”, “protect”, “restrict”, “password protect” and “password restrict” with no luck.

    Visual example of default behavior (which you already know):

    Could you please tell me if there’s a plugin that does this or, if not, lend me a hand on its creation?

    Thank you in advance.

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