• Hello somebody ??

    I have a problem over site load speed, it’ so slow, I have to do some steps one by one.

    I found on https://varvy.com

    How to enable browser caching
    Change the request headers of your resources to use caching.

    I added needed code to .htaccess check screenshot https://prntscr.com/a51glq

    But, when I test again in google speed test and other testing site, it shows that i must do that,

    Any suggestion please, my blog is ermagazin.com

    Help please

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  • I recommend a raft of steps I use on all my sites to improve page load time by about 5-6x

    First run a test on tools.pingdom.com and gtmetrix.com to get a benchmark.

    1. Install and configure W3 Total Cache – specifically, Page Cache, Minify & Browser Cache (NOTE: Minify is very tricky so I would use manual add all js to <head> and use combine only) – View the source of your site (logged out of dashboard) and then copy all the js and css files manualy into minify
    2. Install and run EWWW Image Optimizer to compress image files
    3. Setup and use CloudFlare Free to proxy your site and add speed and security

    Now test again on tools.pingdom.com and gtmetrix.com to see the improvement

    These 3 tricks will give you immense improvements.

    Thread Starter nasy84


    I did, I have W3 total Cache installed, but I got this message ‘plugin could not resolve the minify auto issue automatically’

    I set up CloudFlare, I have in my wordpress dashboard EWWW Image Optimizer and all my images are optimized there but, when I check, they are not…


    “add all js to <head> and use combine only) – View the source of your site (logged out of dashboard) and then copy all the js and css files manualy into minify”

    I need step by step where and what to add, I don’t understand what are all js files in my source page, can you please copy them fro me, I don’t want to make a mistake..

    Thank you for respond

    As far as the leverage browser caching part, you can only control what your server does. 3rd party sites like Facebook or Google or whatever you have no control what their servers send.

    Likewise, you can’t do anything about enabling compression with 3rd party sites either as you have no control over their servers.

    W3TC auto minify is very flaky – I never use it.

    Set it manual and include every file manually.

    when you view source, just search for “.js” which will return any file with a .js extension and copy the complete URL into the minify screen under JS Minify.

    OR, run tools.pingdom.com over the site and then just copy any URL marked as a JS file type.

    Thread Starter nasy84


    But where to locate, I can’t find minify screen under JS Minify?



    Just click the link below “Performance” called “Minify”

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