James, I’m back, hoping you can offer more advice. I went to Ithemes and posted my question and they can’t help me.
This was the answer I was given: Unfortunately, this isn’t something which is available for Backup Buddy out of the box. We do provide you with access to the filters to make adjustments to what user levels would have access to what pages, but you would need a developer to go through and work that out in order to adjust these levels. Its possible that the developer of the plugin which you are trying to use has attempted to integrate with BB, but you would need to consult with them. Unfortunately, it’s not something which we are able to directly support.
So if there’s no way for me to add a capability for a client to use BackupBuddy and no other plugin, what backup plugin would allow me to do this.
Again my goal is using capabilities manager enhanced, to allow the client to backup their site without having access to any of the other plugins on the site.
Thanks Debbie