• I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on my website. What would make it more aesthetically appealing? Do you think the font size is a bit small? Any feedback is appreciated.

    Also, last time I tried this, someone was offended by my website’s content and we ended up talking about free speech and whatnot, and not much was said about the site design itself. So, if you have some sort of qualm with my site content, feel free to email me. I’ll probably just delete it though.


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  • I think it looks okay on 800 px monitors, which are the norm and on 1024,

    If this refers to that index2 that you linked above – No. It’s not OK in FF 1024px: has horizontal scroll.

    Thanks Moshu. I was hoping that somebody would step in here and look at it because I don’t have other browsers besides the much despised internet explorer. Why on earth would it have a horizontal scroll on a browser that large?

    Anyway the lines of text are too long. It should probably be a smaller percentage of the page. But then it shrinks up real nasty in smaller browsers. Makes me think that fixed width wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

    mycoo62: have you thought aboout changing your template? Some of them are more flexible than others. The one I’m using shrinks up great, which is the actually the only reason I chose it. But then again it lacks a header – a price I was willing to pay for not watching my columns shrink or staring at negative space. Plus I thought the nontraditional format was quirky in a good way.

    I’d suggest taking another look at the available themes and testing them in different browsers at different resolutions before choosing.

    Fluid layout is a nice idea – if you know how to “tame” it.
    I just posted about it the other day:

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