let viewers chose there own theme…
Im so annoyed right now… for one installed the theme switcher plugin (why the hell do the majority of plug ins not have instructions Im not an expert nor are alot of the wp users so wtf) I dont know what the hell Im doing with that when I activate it nothing happens or changes… and how do I get it so people can choose their own theme? (note this is a question not a demand there is a huge difference!!!)
I can’t help you as I don’t know myself… but just a note, because you seem quite upset.
Please keep in mind most plug-ins are made by people just like you and me (obviously people more technically inclined however, as I couldn’t make a plugin to save my life), who make them for their personal use – and sometimes release it to the wild for our enjoyment.
You are not paying for this plug in, so demanding instructions and such is a little bit over the top.
Everyone here is very helpful, and whoever cries for help has their pleas answered… but maybe a tone down of attitude would be nice, to those who will be willing to help you out.
im just annoyed mecause wp is complicated and Im not demanding anything Im just venting… I dont have an attitude either I was actually calm when I wrote that Its just annoying when I cant seem to find anything about this any where but see it all over sites… even if its free people are entitled to their frustrations… plus Im haveing a rought (2 years) I would say day but I ahvent had a good one in over 2 years and get stressed over everything I cant relax about anything any more I must have an anxiety disorder… I came here for help not to demand it and people dont have to help if they do not want to
1) your manner of venting is rather out of line – at least you’ve fulfilled the latter part of your nick
2) what you have tried, what haven’t you tried, how can we know if you don’t tell us?
3) re-read the user comment above, he/she has made some perfectly valid and clear points that you may wish to memorise
4) if you are using the theme switcher, then READ the INSTRUCTIONS within the file itself. It may not be obvious, but if you’re so inclined to blame others, it may be a good idea to use logic to determine a solution before you echo resentment towards others.
You make a valid point for documentation with plugins, but you do so in an immature and juvenile manner.
BTW, your site is a mess in FF, and just looking at your source the mix of tables, frames, and inline javascript…menu is all over the place and so on. But that’s by the by.
Oh and life is tough for everyone, and most people use their blogs to vent frustration not a support forum.
Being annoyed doesn’t give you the right of being rude. There would be one person that is responsible for that plug-in and how do you think it makes everyone else who would be willing to help you, read comments with that kind of undertone… I understand your frustrations, I’m having WP issues of my own right now, but I post here in a courteous manner, and wait until some kind soul answers my dilemmas…
i tried all that i read through the file I wasnt being rude… I was just stating my feeling Im sorry for how I feel but I cant feel any way but how I do I blamed no one the commet about the instructions thing was becuase I get a ton of e-mails about this and I dont know my self it was sort of a rethorical question becuase I can fathom why they dont but it would be nice too becuase there have been a few that didnt tell what to chmod things to etc luckily I just figured that things should be but Im not a php expert and so the whole thing can be frusteration when you have a million and one things you need to do etc… its no ones fauly except maybe my own I may have done something wrong which I dont doubt Im just in a bad mood and have been working on this for a few days and I have alot of other things to get finished as well layouts to put up etc… its hard to convey emotion in they way you write on these forums but I wasnt all upset mad I was just getting annoyed but who doesnt get annoyed… please do not asume things you do not no 100% becuase you all have got me way wrong so far…
now I feel compelled to explain further I lost my daughter and I have some one spamming me from her memorial site saying how ugly my dead baby is and so Im not exactally in a joyful mood being reminded my child is dead and people insulting her
I am not palcing blame on any one just a person with depression and anxiety trying to get through one day at a time whithout haveing a break down, asking for help I appreciate all help I get so please understand why it may have sounded wrong in the first postLet’s start from the top:
what version of WP are you using?
If you’re using 1.5 and above then you can use the theme switcher, otherwise you need the style switcher for version 1.2 and below.
Let’s assume you’re using 1.5 and the themeswticher, following the said instructions:
To use, add the following to your sidebar menu:
<?php wp_theme_switcher(); ?>
</li>This will create a list of themes for your readers to select.
If you would like a dropdown box rather than a list, add this:
<?php wp_theme_switcher('dropdown'); ?>
</li>which of those two have you tried, and where have you placed them? I cannot find them on your main page, so I assume that the code is not there (I did view the source and found nothing relevant). You need to place that code into your index.php. As for where – anywhere you want it to display.
i already tried that and all the shows up is the dot made by the
- tags im using version 1.5
Have you selected any of the themes from the Options menu?
If not, you will need to go to the options area and click on the theme switcher label along the top. Then click in the boxes for the themes you want to display.
The theme code above needs to be in each theme somewhere or you will be stuck once you select that theme (until you close the browser and then re-open.
Hope this helps.
Jinsan I salute your patience given the incoherant rant your attempting to answer.
And BTW get rid of those frames!!!!
the excahneg frames??? I didnt make them and to be a memeber you need to put them somewhere… and who are you to tell me how to run my site if any one is rude its you!
ok i think maybe i installed it wrong or missed something because it isnt sjoing up under options so i will re-install it and see if that helps… for those of you who were nice and attempted to help thank you… it must be somthing im doing because thats the only conclusion I can come to… ??
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