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  • No offense but I support nearly 70 different platforms and I don’t recall a single one of them that supports users deleting their own account. Some of the gaming platforms we deal with offer a “reset an account” option but that’s about it. I may have missed the option but I would think it would stand out. (edit: OK, I just found that Joomla does one. Although it has a non commercial license attached to it. That makes it very murky.)

    Even with the built in “Delete a blog” selection, we get many users who come back in tears saying that they didn’t really mean to delete their blog and could they have it back. I’m sure most of my clients would put that in their top 10 for support requests.

    They can’t. I don’t think you can at even.

    You can disable it by inputting a false email address & reset the password.

    you can delete the blogs.

    I would like to delete my account. I’m not quite sure how to though. I believe it is from another website supported/affiliated with wordpress though. Can anyone help?

    I don’t see why people get defensive about this – its a must have feature under data protection laws – self-deletion is important, particularly if you have register to leave comments turned on on a busy website, for example.

    It shouldn’t be so difficult to add this to the core, perhaps with double “are you sure?” buttons, and maybe an email confirmation required too?

    Facebook have added this recently, after, quite rightly, taking a lot of flak for not allowing self-deletion.

    The alternative is to create a very visible “please remove my account” contact form, and ask user to list email address, username, etc, and then admin does a follow up email to the registered account to make sure its not a malicious contact – while this is a little long-winded, it will prevent users from getting pissed off with you.

    I also routinely email all registered users using an email plugin each month asking them to reply to me with unsubscribe if they want to delete their account, which is great for removing expired and no-longer-interested users who would otherwise clog the database with pointless details.

    Just a few ideas for those of us who want to manage a database of active users!


    Like I said above, they *can* delete their blog.

    If you want to argue your case to have it included in core, file a tract ticket.

    It’s not a question of “deleting their blog” it is a question of deleting their user account. It’s not professional (for those of us who make money from sites which employ WordPress as a CMS in one way or another) to say, to an irate user (customer) “Hey, don’t complain about me not letting you remove your account, all you have to do is put in a fake email address and name and then remove any comments you may have added over the past few years.”

    What they want is for you to say “your account has been removed, absolutely.” Which is all well and good, but, assuming that user has taken the decision to remove his or her account, wouldn’t it make sense to allow them to self-delete.

    I would request this feature but for the limited application that it has for ordinary users – my point was simply that, as an answer to the enquiry, it wasn’t necessary to get defensive and say “I can’t see why you would want THAT” and instead simply either a) not answer, if you don’t know how to add this; or b) provide a useful explanation as to how user self-deletion might be achieved – or at least some kind of workaround.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It’s simply not a feature of WP. I do understand why people WANT to do it, I just don’t agree (also, I don’t know if it adds any complications to posts made if they delete their account and not their blog…).

    That said, there IS a plugin.

    ETA – Also, I doubt it deletes comments. Even if I delete an ID, the comments remain.

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