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  • Root


    Dont give away the trade secrets ??



    This link isn’t to a site that will help you figure out what colors to use, but it will help you find the hexadecimal number of the color you are looking for. They have all kinds of color charts and ways of looking at colors for web and print use, so poke around for more. But I use this page all the time.

    A trick – in Firefox, hold down the Cntrl plus + key and it will “enlarge” the text. The layout is done so that it will “enlarge” so you can see it much better.



    Good site – I’ve used Bob Stein’s colour charts for a long time. Worth buying the reference card or poster, which are well-produced and reasonably priced.

    He also does a useful CSS reference card.



    ColorCop is a nice little program for getting colors.



    I also like this one for getting six matching web colors, unfortunately it only works in IE.

    There is an upcoming web service called pic2color at It is still in alpha stage and the juicy stuff is by-invitation-only, but I guess they’ll have another round of invitation soon. Trust me, the private blog they used to showcase it is awesome! There is a email box at to drop your email if you wish to be invited next. Go check it out.

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