We’ve had a request to create a name that is longer than the permitted 20 characters. Is this an arbitrary length set within the plugin or one that comes from WordPress?
ie medical-healthcare-pr-services to replace our-skills
This is Aj the developer. The max length is a WordPress limitation of the register_post_type function. But, the actual post type name is really only used for the database so I’m not sure why it needs to be this specific text.
Perhaps what you really want to do is modify the “slug” on the front-end so that the posts are located at site.com/medical-healthcare-pr-services/ – in which case you don’t need to change the post type name but rather just modify the slug:
More importantly, if you are renaming the post type (from our-skills to medical-healthcare-pr-services) you will need to migrate your posts since the name is used for storing the posts in the database. So you would need to create a new post type with the new name then use a plugin to migrate the posts from the old post type to the new one.