• Boa tarde pessoal. Gostaria de saber se vocês conhecem algum tutorial que ensina a fazer a conex?o de um leitor físico de código de barras / qr code com um site feito no wordpress. Tenho um CPT feito com Jetengine, e um campo lá “Presen?a”, e gostaria de quando o leitor lesse o qr code ou código de barras, fosse informado “sim” ou seja que a pessoa do cadastro, esteve no evento. Podem me ajudar?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    You need a mobile app that interfaces with the hardware reader that’s running on the local device. The app can send API requests to WordPress to do what’s needed to keep track of things. The API is documented here.

    Mobile app development is outside of the scope of these forums. All I can tell you is the choice of app development language depends on whether it’s an Apple or Android device. Maybe you could inquire with the reader’s tech support for app suggestions. You basically want an app that can send scanned data out to an arbitrary HTTPS webhook and make an appropriate indication from the response that comes back.

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