• I’m using a left sidebar to post our YouTube videos but the sidebar appears at the bottom of the home page on all devices. Website is https://www.christourredeemeranglican.us. DB we looked at this a while back, it worked briefly, now this. Earlier today I asked if it was an issue with too many <div/> lines as from another post. Thanks

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  • Hi Roy. I still think disabling all your plugins and activating the parent theme is a good plan. We need to get back to a good baseline that functions normally before we can pinpoint the problem.

    Thread Starter royedw


    … the rest of the story. I deactivated all plugins on the parent page, activated each, one at a time, then deactivated. The videos only came up when I activated the Google+ plugin which I’ve since deleted. No sidebar appeared upon activation of any other individual plugins

    I have deleted the “Childify” plugin and all files, not going to mess w/ a child page until we can figure this out… 10 plugins are activated as of right now…

    Now I’m seeing two <body> tags, one within the other. Something is still affecting the basic site layout.

    Hi royedw,

    I had taken a look at your website.
    I can see that on your front page, your sidebar is still dropping onto the left bottom.

    I had taken a look at your website source code.
    Please see screenshot.

    On your HTML body tag there is no css class.
    Your HTML body tag looks like the following.


    With reference to the demo site.
    The following is how the HTML body tag looks like.

    <body class="home blog col-3cm full-width topbar-enabled mobile-sidebar-hide-s2 chrome">

    For all WordPress Theme, there is a function named body_class in HTML body tag, so as to print the css class which are required to help styling the Theme.

    In this case, those classes are missing from your website.
    this is why your sidebar drops to the bottom.
    If I remove body class from the Hueman Theme demo, the sidebar will drop too.

    For this function body_class, there is a filter which allows plugins or themes to add their own class.
    In this case, there could be a plugin doing it wrongly and causes nothing to appear.

    You should try to find out which plugin is causing your sidebar to drop.

    After fixing this issue, you can use the Hueman Theme’s Hueman Videos widget to post video to your sidebar.

    Hope my findings help in anyway.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter royedw


    I deactivated all plugins on the parent page, activated each, one at a time, then deactivated. The videos only came up when I activated the Google+ plugin which I’ve since deleted. No sidebar appeared upon activation of any other individual plugins

    Denzel, Thanks for the information! As you see above this is what I did to check the plug-ins. So do I need to look at each plugin’s css file?? If so what should I look for??


    Do you mean, no sidebars appear when you deactivate all your plugins?

    When you deactivate all your plugins and re-activate back Hueman Theme, all should be working properly.
    Your sidebar should not be missing or drop to the bottom.

    Let’s get the theme working first.
    You should be using Hueman 3.1.1, and WordPress 4.5

    Deactivate all your plugins and child theme, switch back to parent theme.

    Clear your browser cache.

    Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Content -> Layout options for the main content.
    Select and set your sidebar layouts.

    Check if everything is working on your front end.
    If not, re-install the Theme and use the above mentioned steps again.

    Let me know if you are able to get your layout working properly.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter royedw


    NOTHING! Denzel,.. please know I am NOT an experienced coder, therefore rely a great deal on plugins. I’ve managed to do quite a bit with my site https://www.christourredeemeranglican.us, but with no changes after all I/we have attempted perhaps re-installing the theme is a last option.

    I have managed to rename Nueman in my host (hostgator) and uploaded and unzipped Hueman 3.1.1, which is what I had before. Still no change, sidebar remains at the bottom. Also using latest WP version. Thanks

    Thread Starter royedw


    This is what I found when viewing the source code. Can you see anything wrong with the coding?? It starts on line 444.

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    <div class="sidebar s1">
    		<a title="Expand Sidebar"><i class="fa icon-sidebar-toggle"></i></a>
    		<div class="sidebar-content">
    			<div id='stb-container-8034' class='stb-container-css stb-custom-container stb-image-none stb-ltr stb-corners stb-side' style='margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px;'><aside class='stb-icon'><img src='https://christourredeemeranglican.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-special-textboxes/themes/stb-dark/heart.png'></aside><div id='stb-box-8034' class='stb-custom_box stb-box' >Please click the Full Screen option as you enjoy any of our Homilies or posted videos. Thank you!</div></div><div id="youtube_responsive-4" class="widget widget_youtube_responsive"><h3>Second Sunday in Easter Homily</h3><object  class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' style=''><iframe id='StefanoAI-youtube-1' class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' src='//www.youtube.com/embed/Ann4u6_CIn0?&autohide=2&color=red&controls=1&disablekb=0&fs=1&iv_load_policy=1&modestbranding=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&vq=default' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen="true" style=''></iframe></object></div><div id="youtube_responsive-3" class="widget widget_youtube_responsive"><h3>Third Sunday in Easter Homily</h3><object  class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' style=''><iframe id='StefanoAI-youtube-2' class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' src='//www.youtube.com/embed/irhoJsyM4L0?&autohide=2&color=red&controls=1&disablekb=0&fs=1&iv_load_policy=1&modestbranding=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&vq=default' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen="true" style=''></iframe></object></div><div id="youtube_responsive-2" class="widget widget_youtube_responsive"><h3>Fourth Sunday in Easter Homily</h3><object  class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' style=''><iframe id='StefanoAI-youtube-3' class='StefanoAI-youtube-responsive ' width='160' height='90' src='//www.youtube.com/embed/_8YmMITf3zA?&autohide=2&color=red&controls=1&disablekb=0&fs=1&iv_load_policy=1&modestbranding=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&vq=default&enablejsapi=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen="true" style=''></iframe></object></div><div id="alxvideo-2" class="widget widget_hu_video">
    <h3>Fifth Sunday in Easter Homily, Joshua DeVries</h3><div class="video-container"><iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r0p9a0iA2eY?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed&wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
    <div id="alxvideo-3" class="widget widget_hu_video">
    <h3>Sixth Sunday of Easter Homily, Fr. Jim</h3><div class="video-container"><iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wbPF7ON9-Gg?wmode=transparent&rel=0&feature=oembed&wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
    <div id='stb-container-4793' class='stb-container-css stb-custom-container stb-image-none stb-ltr stb-corners stb-side' style='margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px;'><aside class='stb-icon'><img src='https://christourredeemeranglican.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-special-textboxes/themes/stb-dark/heart.png'></aside><div id='stb-box-4793' class='stb-custom_box stb-box' >More  Homilies from services @ Christ Our Redeemer Anglican (ACNA) Church are available on our YouTube page. Search for Christ Our Redeemer Anglican. We hope you enjoy what you see...</div></div>


    As mention by bdbrown and me.
    Something is wrong with your HTML body tag.

    If I change your body class in my developer tool, you can see the sidebar sprint back in place. Please see my screen-cast.

    I suggest you to engage a developer from https://jobs.wordpress.net/
    to log into your website to find out what is wrong.

    Thank you

    Hi Roy. Wondering if you still want help with this.

    Let’s get the theme working first.
    You should be using Hueman 3.1.1, and WordPress 4.5

    Deactivate all your plugins and child theme, switch back to parent theme.

    Clear your browser cache.

    @denzel and I have both suggested this (currently it would be Hueman v3.1.3 and WP v4.5.2). It will alter the way your site looks but it’s really the only way to pin down what is causing the problem. As an alternative, if you have access to your host cPanel, you could create a subdomain and copy your existing site there to do the testing. I think @denzel and I are on the forum here on almost opposite times so, if you want additional help, one of us should be able to check your site within a short period of time.

    Thread Starter royedw


    Thanks BD,

    I have deactivated all plugins, deleted the child theme and cleared the cache. Two sidebar videos, using the Hueman video widget are showing on the bottom.

    I looked at Denzel’s screen cast; and see what he did, but I cannot find the HTML body tag. Can you take a look please…? Thank you!

    His screencast is showing the first <body> tag, and replacing those classes with the correct classes that are now text after the second <body> tag. The first <body> tag doesn’t exist in the page source and all the valid classes have been removed from the second <body> tag and are being rendered as text. Here’s what the source looks like:

    <body> class="home page page-id-86 page-template-default col-2cl full-width mobile-sidebar-hide-s2 chrome">
    <div id="wrapper">

    And here’s what you see if you inspect the page:

    <body class="s1-collapse s2-collapse">
    <body > class="home page page-id-86 page-template-default col-2cl full-width mobile-sidebar-hide-s2 chrome">
    <div id="wrapper">

    Also, what you can’t see in the second code snippet above is an unknown character in the second <body> tag. That’s being injected by something, maybe an unknown javascript. Checking online I’ve seen reports of hosting issues and sites being hacked that have symptoms like this. One post suggested there could be hacked files in your plugin directory running code even if all your plugins are disabled. They suggested renaming your /wp-content/plugins folder to something else, then load your site and see if the problem still exists.

    Thread Starter royedw


    Okay, I’ll look at doing that, always appreciated!! Have to get to my Greek class but will look later this evening. Thanks again!!

    Thread Starter royedw


    renamed the plugin file to plugin-old,.. no changes except the site tells me I have no plugins even after I created a new folder “plugins”. So “if” I am having an issue with my current plugins would I have to reload each into the plugin folder?

    Also, I’m confused about how to view my <body> class to review what you’re telling me above….

    renamed the plugin file to plugin-old,.. no changes

    I think that would indicate that the problem isn’t originating in your plugins folder so we need to look elsewhere.

    would I have to reload each into the plugin folder?

    No, you should be able to just rename the old folder to “plugins” and they will all be available.

    how to view my <body> class

    On your web page you can right-click and select “Inspect”. This will bring up the development tools window.
    If you’re using Firefox see this tutorial:
    If you’re using Chrome see this tutorial:
    If you’re using IE see this one:

    Here are a couple of other related posts I found. The first one says the issue was resolved by switching hosts. The second one lists the steps to follow if you think your site has been hacked:

    I see a while back you said you deleted your child theme. Is that still the case; you’re running the parent theme now? If you still have a child theme, do you have a modified copy of header.php there?

    Another post I read mentioned an injection attack that added code to the wp-config.php file. You might post that here so we can take a look at it. After you copy the code to your post, highlight it, then click the “code” button above the editor. This should place tick marks before and after the code which will make it more readable and help to keep it out of the forum spam filter. AFter you add your post the code should be in a box like this:

    here is some code
      and another line
    and this is the end

    @denzel – please add any other thoughts you might have.

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