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  • A hamburger menu is possible with many themes. Since your question is quite broad, it is not possible to give you a generalised answer for all of them.

    If you use a block theme like the current TwentyTwentyFour, you can also configure a hamburger in the navigation block. See:

    If you use a different theme, it depends on its options. With older classic themes, you may well need an additional plugin for this.

    And such backgrounds would also be possible with a block theme, e.g. with the block cover: – there are also other options, but this is the most common as far as I could see.

    Thread Starter erinmidwife


    Thank you I am using the Davis block theme right now. I have a menu but I do not see how to set it to a hamburger anywhere. As much as I thought Elementor was clunky, I did understand its work flow and I think that’s where I am struggling here.

    I foolishly linked the documentation from wordpress.COM above. In the documentation from you should look at the section on styling. Here:

    Thread Starter erinmidwife


    Thank you so much, I finally found that setting while editing the page. But I did not see that setting while editing the navigation in the editor. I’m just not used to this, I thought since I knew Divi and Elementor, editing on WP would be easy but perhaps I need to watch some tutorials. Thank you. I’ll check out the cover block article.

    Thread Starter erinmidwife


    I figured out how to make a hamburger menu, but when it pops out, the screen changes to black background with white text. Is it possible to keep it as a white background (or other color) and black text? I do not see a way to do this in the style editor. And I’m not sure where to add CSS?
    Thank you in advance for any help!

    A link to the page would be interesting to answer the question as there are many ways to display something like this.

    Thread Starter erinmidwife


    I don’t have a staging area so I am trying to get the page ready first. If I manage to make progress today I will share the link. Thank you!

    Is there not a way to do this through the style editor for Davis Blocks? Where can CSS be added?

    This is described, for example, in this article:

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