• On this blog: https://wsokilmasterkey.loudsmiles.com/

    the “Leave a Reply” under the <h1> tag disappeared.

    I copied in the original “content.php” page from the twentytwelve theme I have on my computer… but it is still not appearing. Any idea why the “Leave a Reply” would be in the code but not showing up in the posts?

    The h1 link is not working either… like if someone goes to the homepage and wants to click into the post… the title is not a clickable link.

    Again – it looks good in content.php

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  • So what I see for each post entry on your home (blog) page (except for the first entry) is a post title, which is a clickable link, with a small link under it that reads # replies (where # = some number), then a non-clickable post title, followed by the post excerpt. The first entry does not have the clickable link, nor the # replies link. The # replies link seems to have the same function as a “Leave a Reply” link, it takes you to the comments section of the specific post.

    I did notice, though, that the first post (Week 37) has a post Format of “Quote” instead of “Standard.” Can you go edit the post and change it to Standard to see if it makes a difference? The Format section is on the right side of the post editor.

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