• 1.how to install the theme.
    log in>dashboard.>appearance>theme>click install theme>type leaf in search the field>click install,then activate.the theme is now installed.

    2.click the view your site or visit your site and leaf header will be showing in your website.what?! where did my site name go?dont panic is easy to fix.
    dashboard.>appearance>header>then just click “remove header image” then vist your site and your website header name is back.
    if you are a graphic designer or if you hire one,your own title header image can be created within the 300 width by 900 pixels.just like the “leaf” in the demo site,you will see that is beautiful.
    if you have your custom made header title ready design you can upload it by
    dashboard>appearance>header>if you had removed leaf theme default header>just click the browse,from your computer choose the file>then save.

    3.visit leaf theme option panel for other customization @
    A dashboard>appearance>leaf options>click help at the far right edge and read how theme works!however this page is very descriptive.

    Theme layout boxed or wide.i choose the author recommended default which is boxed you can choose wide save and view yours to get the feel,you can as well come back and change it to boxed.!

    B.Theme Accent Color;you can click the Select colour to change this and save.this area control the change of colour from black to red or whatever colour set when a visitor to your site take the cursor to a title subject.

    C Google Fonts:if you tick that,it will change your font to a businesslike clean font after saving.but leaving it untick is also beautiful,that is the defualt at leaf demo.

    D Slider Category:default is set that all categories enjoy the slide.you can set just only 1 or 2 of your categories to slide.

    E Slider transition effects: choose any effect from the dropdown and save

    F Slider speed; the defualt is 7000 but there is 9000 and 5000.the default is cool but you can try others.always save to make changes.

    G Sidebar Column:this control default sidebar at home page. 4 is maximum.
    H Home Page Categories:You can choose multiple categories by holding the Ctrl key while selecting.this bring out the fine magazine topography to your site.leaf theme demo CHOOSE SPACE AND TECH categories to achieve that what is on the demo.you can check the the demo at https://demo.fatboythemes.com/

    I Number of More Articles:this control the more article area
    J Custom CSS;this is for advance use.
    K always save changes to get the effect on your site

    For the home and blog settings at demo.
    Home display good for magazine and news webiste,and a blog page to carry all your blog post. [Converted to lower case by moderator]

    1 Create a page by.dashbord>page>add new page.Then at title lets say type “Home”,page attributes just by the side bar of the same page choose defualt template>then published.
    create another page but this time type “blog” page attributes? choose blog template.>publish.

    2.create a main header custom menu;dashboard>appearance>menus.
    HERE at the right, type any name for your menu name field and save.
    then at the left side selecting the menu name from the dropdown save the menu name you created in(2) above to the primary menu.
    then down below, go to pages and tick the home and blog pages you had created before>click add to menu.soon they will appear in the main menu by the right>arrange them by dragging home higher than blog and save.
    then go to readings by dashboard>settings>>readings>make sure Front page displays radio botton is on Your latest posts and save.
    visit your site and everything is set as leaf demo.

    To create a blog only with the theme without the slide and magazine view stuff. [Converted to lower case by moderator]

    just create one page call it whatever you like ie home or blog or welcome as title of the page but use the blog template attributions and publish.create the menu and set the readings as above.This give a blog only type of webesite

    creating custom menu for pages and categories for both footer and header menu.
    the footer items you created using the
    footer menu will display far down the website while the header show up up the website .just try it.

    header widget:dashboard>appearance>widget.for a test drag search from the available widget to the header widget,let it save and visit your website.adsense and social bottons fit here very well.
    there is a custom background too.add colour to this post by posting area i did not touched

    i love this them,is a premium theme going for free.
    the pignation,superfish menu,and more

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