Ok, sorry, I’m tired. The configuation section is in the lazy-gallery.php file found in your plugin directory. The section to change looks like this:
// ———- Settings ———-
// Configure these settings, to use the gallery.
// Your gallery folder (this is where your pictures and picture folders are located).
$gallery_address = ‘/albums/’;
// Sidebar position
$gallery_sidebar = ‘right’; // left or right
// Add foldernames to exclude. (add more lines like this on more excludes.)
$excluded_folders[] = ‘cgi-bin’;
// Picture size
$pictwidth = 400;
$pictheight = 400;
// Thumbnail size
$thumbwidth = 110;
$thumbheight = 110;
// Thumbnail caching, will decrease server-load
// the created image will be stored in a subdirectory (eg. /wp/wp-gallery/holiday/thumbs )
$enable_cache = TRUE;
$thumb_folder = “thumbs/”;
Your gallery path might be wrong. The one above is for a directory called albums directly under the root.