• gayleard


    I want to include mathematics in my blog.
    I’ve installed (and activated) the LatexRender plugin,
    but have not found any documentation on how to use it.
    In particular, I do not know what tags one is supposed to use
    around the LaTeX. I tried eg
    E = mc^2
    but this did not work.
    I also tried using [tex]…[/tex], but that was no better.

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  • stevem


    It’s [tex]…[/tex]. Please see my comment on your blog.

    PS I see it’s working now!

    Thread Starter gayleard


    Yes, the problem was not in fact with the tags at all,
    but with the settings at the top of
    …/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latexrender/latex.php –
    in particular, the setting of latexrender_path_http .

    I had run the script install-latexrender.bash
    which had reported that all was well,
    but in fact I had given the link to …/wordpress
    in my web-server a different name, as suggested IIRC
    somewhere in the WordPress documentation,
    and I had to modify latexrender_path_http accordingly.

    Thread Starter gayleard


    But I’d add this query – where does it say that the correct tags
    for latexrender are [tex]…[/tex]?

    And this just seems to me part of the documentation failure
    which seriously mars WP in my eyes.

    I don’t really understand how someone can develop
    a difficult application like the latexrender plugin
    without documenting it properly, or even at all.



    WordPress didn’t write that plugin.

    Based on what you’ve written so far today, and going back to your original post here, perhaps WP isn’t, in deed, for you? Free and volunteer supported software isn’t for everyone, no one can deny that.

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