• I was on the phone with GoDaddy this AM discussing database issues and the guy on the other end of the phone, who is a WP blogger, told me the latest version of WP is greater than 2.05

    I was puzzled by that, and when I asked him what he meant he said that the official download link grabs a version of 2.05 with the latest bug fixes, which are updated nightly and adjusted for upload by the next day.

    Is he right? And if so, does it make any logistical reasonable sense? We would have to upload a new version of 2.05 every day if that were the case.

    I guess my question is this:

    is the 2.05 zip that I grabbed today any different than the one I installed about 3 weeks ago?

    When is a good time to re-install WordPress?

    When you do install WordPress, in this case over a 2.05 version, what files do you upload and therby overwrite? Do you just upload and overwrite the top level PHP files, or do you also upload wp-content, wp-themes etc?

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  • WordPress 2.0.5 is the current “latest” version of WordPress. And detailed upgrading instructions can be found over here.

    However, version 2.0.6 will be released sometime this month, I’m sure. It’s already in “beta”, just keep checking here for the “latest news”. ?? ??

    /And to keep track of versions, check over here:

    I suppose it’s marginally possible that the host could be using the svn nightlies. Kind of a stupid thing to do if so….

    Hmm, yeah, if that’s the case.. bad host, bad! Well, if they *are* doing that, even though it’s NOT the best thing in the world to do, even the nightly will be in “beta” this month.. so.. if they are meaning, “greater then 2.0.5”, they might be adding in the 2.0.6 SVN Branch files..?

    From the (wp-testers email list), and, the mouth of one of the Uppy Ups (Ryan Boren)..

    Both 2.0.6 and 2.1 beta will be happening this month. 2.0.6 is just waiting on some feedback from fastcgi users. 2.0.6 should be out well before a final 2.1 release comes around. After 2.1 is out we’ll continue doing 2.0.x releases and start doing 2.1.x releases as needed.


    So, I’d possibly be expecting a 2.0.6 release this month anyway. ?? And, when I had 2.0.6-beta1 running on a few of my main blogs, I didn’t have much trouble at all with them..so, not really sure what to say for what your host is doing..


    Thread Starter 4evrblu


    Thanks guys.

    My guess is that the tech support was talking about his personal computer version of WordPress, not the version GoDaddy offers.

    I get the feeling this guy just likes to keep updating his WordPress files every night. Seemed like a somewhat silly thing to do in my view. 2.05 is damn stable.

    Anyway, thanks for the input and the heads-up on 2.06

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