• Hi There,

    I’ve seen many threads around the place talking about iframes being stripped out when people use the visual editor, etc. but that’s not the issue I’m having.

    My issue is that for years now I’ve used youtube embeds (old embed code). I create a post, add the embed code via the html editor (which changed to ‘text’ since the last version it seems), schedule the post and save it.

    If I come back and check it later it’s fine, embed is still there.

    But now since the latest update (3.5). As soon as the post goes live the embed code gets stripped and a blank post gets published. Whereas I’ve never once had this happen since the latest version (and have thousands of video posts).

    It’s a real pain in the backside as I then have to go try find the video the post related to (titles are often commentary on the video and don’t often give an idea of what the video was called).

    Is there a way to disable this? I don’t like to use the oembed method as it adds additional steps to the process (manually writing additional tag content) and when the video fails or is removed it leave’s the raw link in the post body. I’d rather the video with ‘content removed’ as it lets the user know why the video isn’t working (i.e. youtube removed it or the user deleted it, etc.)

    Also a note on how to make it work manually:
    Once the post has published and failed (stripped code resulting in a blank post). I can then edit the article, add the embed code again and hit update. Then it will post correctly.

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  • Hi there.

    I’m running 3.5.1 and am seeing issues with code being stripped in several test cases in the editor (and widget areas) when I save the post.

    Google Adsense code is being stripped, MailChimp Code is being stripped.
    This also happen when pasting these codes into a text widget in the side bar.

    Note: this does not happen when I’m logged in as the top level super admin.
    It ONLY happens when I’m logged in as a sub-site administrator.

    https://www.screencast.com/t/Z3jlv6HNacC – the code in the red box is being stripped.

    https://www.screencast.com/t/b7JLNLEUteJP – again, the code in the red box is being stripped on save.

    Here’s a screencast of what happens with the Monkey code:

    @dan & Jennifer: It’s impolite and couter productive to interrupt another poster’s ongoing thread with a question of your own and it causes significant problems for the forum’s volunteers. Please post your own topic and mark it NSFW in the title.

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