• Since the latest version I am receiving multiple emails from WordFence about the same IP and the same action. For example I have just received 6 emails regarding

    Wordfence has blocked IP address
    The reason is: “Exceeded the maximum number of page not found errors per minute for humans.”.
    User IP:
    User hostname: host86-170-59-74.range86-170.btcentralplus.com
    User location: Watford, United Kingdom

    This action blocks the IP for 1 hour so I don’t understand why I have 6 emails. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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  • I’ve randomly had that happen to me as well – but only a couple of times…. I’d be interested in finding out as well!

    Wordfence Options – Alerts. Try unchecking everything, then gradually recheck, as well as being sure your “Maximum email alerts to send per hour” is set to something reasonable. I keep it set on 1 or 2. The Wordfence email alerts are quite aggressive, if your site is getting much activity and Wordfence is working, WF can end up bombarding you with quite a few alerts. I find them to be nearly useless as I keep a pretty sharp eye on things, but each to his own… MTN

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