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  • Thread Starter bamajr


    Look, I’m not trying to be an @$$ here. I prefer the Google Authentication app, personally, but I despise the authentication occurring on the same screen as the username/password. It simply isn’t the most effective way to use the 2-Step Authentication model.

    The Authy Two Factor Authentication plugin has obviously found a way, which isn’t as disruptive as you want to think. It also seems to me, when their authentication is occurring outside of the WordPress login (username/password) area, it stands to reason other plugins, which perform credential verification tasks, from the same area, would have less problems, not more.

    It just seems to me your plugin could play a bigger role, in self-hosted WordPress websites, by aiding in the User Experience, not taking away from it. Tool-tip or not, people are confused by your plugin’s workflow, especially those not using 2-Step Authentication. And, while I’m completely aware, we are way outside of the issue, I first reported and deep into a feature request, it seems to me, making your plugin more useful, less confusing and providing a better over all user experience, would be pretty high on the to do list.

    If I found a way to do as you request I’m pretty sure my plugin would become incompatible with Keith’s plugin since he would not be able to perform the credentialcheck within a single pageview.

    I haven’t looked that much into how I eventually could implement what you’re talking about, perhaps it’s time.

    A 2-step plugin takes the whole process away from WordPress, and that is never a good idea. If the WP developers want to add something to the core, it might be easy to hook our plugins into it.

    It is best to stay within the existing WP codex so that future compatibility will be assured.

    In any case, 2 step authentication is far from trivial. It is not something that you can tack on to existing code and expect it work right forever.


    I added the code to Stop Spammers to check for Google authenticator on under beta test plugins.

    Is there anyone brave enough to try it?


    Are you sure you got it uploaded ? I just downloaded and installed manually, seem to be the normal version

    Best regards
    Henrik Schack

    I added an extra “if” to where I check the login – !class_exists(“GoogleAuthenticator”). That’s it – it has the same version number, etc.


    Strange it did not detect anything on my blog

    In the includes/stop-spam-reg-checks.php file search for class-exists
    and see if it is there.

    Are you locked out when both are active and the checkbox to check logins is checked?


    Ahh now I get it ??

    Seems to be working perfectly, had no trouble logging in.
    Nice work .

    Best regards
    Henrik Schack

    Hey guys, sorry to be late to the party, but I just found another solution that doesn’t require Keith’s beta version (but, Keith, props for adding that test).

    bamajr, if you install the “Google Authenticator – Per User Prompt” plugin (of which I have no affiliation, but was ecstatic to just find), it apparently solves two issues:
    1) Nicely separates the Google Authenticator field onto a second login page, and
    2) I suspect because of that, eliminates the conflict between the Stop Spammers and Google Authenticator plugins.

    At least it did for me on a website where I was having the same conflict problem.


    Thread Starter bamajr


    Yeah Authy does the same thing, again with no compatibility issues between Google Authenticator and the Stop Spammers plugins. I’m being told these options interfere with the credentialcheck, but I’ve not verified how/if it does.

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