Latest updates are a nighmare
Until the “new” UCSS e Guest Mode (v.4++), all things goes reasonable well… now is a nightmare!
For starters:
It’s a heavy plugin, lots of intensive database, bandwidth and CPU use on your server (if are a shared one, it’s better to avoid), not much intuitive, some functions like cache, UCSS, CSS Asynchronous and most part of image optimizations are for Quic.Cloud users only and Litespeed Servers. But has a plenty of resources to compensate poorly optimized plugins & theme Java/CSS.If you’re a free Quic.Cloud user, well, your quota will be filled in a week or two – since v.4 of this plugin, a lot of more credits are consumed in UCSS, LQIP and Guest Mode – I know because I use and Litespeed since launch and today they appear to be more greedy…
The plugin actually are with some bad anomalies like:
1) Are purging itself CSS and Cache, consuming more server resources;
2) Combine functions are not functional and are breaking the frontedn;
3) Localized resources are crippled without notice;
4) UCSS are in a alpha/beta stage making a lot of CSS errors;
5) Guest mode is a trick to consume much more of your credits and to makes Google thinks you page are fast. Not at all because first load on your site will be much slower than without plugin), only when cached you’ll see some benefits. This not pay off and makes things worse.Importante note: as a longtime Google developer, I report that the entire team knows these tricks to lie about a website’s performance. The Lightspeed plugin is at the top of the list for WordPress sites and the true ranking and performance evaluation algorithms don’t follow the directives that pagespeed insights and GT Metrix show to their users, as they are easily fooled by manipulations like this (Guest Mode, Fake Bursts, UCSS, etc.). If anyone looks at SEO performance data lately, they’ll see that while the Pagespeed score is higher, it’s inversely reflected in organic traffic results.
There are several ways for a plugin like Lightspeed (and other cache/minification plugins) to optimize a website in a healthy way, Litespeed has been deviating from that lately unfortunately.
* this is not an official statement by Google, just inside information I want to share with you.
Well, concluding: It’s a really messed v.4++++ release. Most of my companies servers and sites are now live with this plugin disabled (are faster that way). We hopefully wait until the devs fixes all this, but we know this will take a long time as the developers of this plugin won’t admit all the recent flaws analysing all recent forum posts…
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