The latest update included a patch that fixed a conflict with another admin theme. I wonder if this could be related.
You could test this by manually undoing the patch. Fortunately, it’s just a one-line change (but it might be a good idea to make a backup first anyway). Open the file /admin-menu-editor/includes/menu-editor-core.php
and find line #704. It should look like this in version 1.10.3:
add_filter('parent_file', array($this, 'replace_wp_menu'), 1001);
Try removing the priority number from the filter:
add_filter('parent_file', array($this, 'replace_wp_menu'));
Since the change was necessary to fix another conflict, it’s unlikely to be reverted. The number has to be greater than 999
. But maybe there’s some number other than 1001
that would work.