Hello Kevin,
First off, fortunately, your products and catalog are not gone, they’re just not displaying. It looks like they didn’t import correctly into the new version of the plugin. Most likely because it timed out before finishing or because you did something in the plugin admin before it was finished. The plugin displays a message in the admin letting you know that it’s importing your data. You cannot do anything in the plugin until that message goes away.
In that case, we have a procedure to re-run the import. You will not lose any data or products with the following procedure. All of your products are stored in the database. However, it may be a good idea to back up your site and database first, just in case.
After doing that, go to the PRODUCTS area in the plugin admin. Do any products show there? If so, delete them all. Then go to the CATALOGS area and delete any catalogs that exist there.
Then please do the following procedure to reset the plugin and the import for the new version:
– Backup up your site and database.
– Update the plugin to the newest version.
– Make sure you have deleted all products and catalogs. (You will not lose any of this data as it is all stored in the database tables for the old version of the plugin.)
– Then go the DASHBOARD screen in the plugin admin and add the following to the URL: &ewd_upcp_show_reset_settings=yes
( so, for example, if your URL looks like https://www.my-site.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ewd-upcp-dashboard
then, after, it should look like https://www.my-site.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ewd-upcp-dashboard&ewd_upcp_show_reset_settings=yes
– This will bring up a new button called “Reset Settings”. Click this button.
– Then immediately go and deactivate our plugin and reactivate it.
– You will see the aforementioned message saying it’s importing. Don’t do anything while it is.
– Once that message is gone, go to the PRODUCTS screen and you should see all your products back.
– Then go double check on your site to make sure they are there.