• hey guys
    I am currently learning theme development for WordPress and i was wondering if i am missing anything. In the sense i am following a book but I’m pretty sure that the WordPress theme which I’ll end up creating will be very simple and not up to the mark professionally. Yes i do know that i have to practice a lot and read many more books but right now I’m in a sticky situation. My main problem is what kinda layout should i use? A fixed width or fluid layout.
    The books which i have now are Digging into WordPress and Build your own wicked WordPress themes. I’m having Lynda’s build your own custom WordPress themes. Should i get anything else. Apart from these i am reading WPtutsplus and also the Codex.
    My skill set –> Good at HTML and CSS. Learning PHP and JavaScript.
    And also what kinda proficiency in PHP and JavaScript is required to be comfortable with WordPress theme development


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  • Sounds like you are on your way. In terms of what layout to use – there is no right or wrong, it depends on what type of website you are trying to build. Having said that, many theme developers are starting to move into ‘responsive’ or ‘adaptive’ layouts for their themes.

    All the best

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