• Hi there… is there a way to display latest comments on a static home page? Not latest comments from that page, but latest comments from any post within the blog?? Thanks in advance…

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  • try this code in your static page
    last response

    Thread Starter jo6891


    Hi, thanks for your response,

    I was actually just looking for the latest comments only and not the comment form. Maybe the latest 5 comments or so. Is there any way to do this without touching the actual comments template, as I will want to use this for pages within the blog section.

    Thanks again

    I think that it is easy enough to do if you just want to see the comment:

    $comments = get_comments('status=approve&number=5');
      foreach($comments as $comm) :?>
        Who: <?php echo($comm->comment_author);?><br />
        What they said: <?php echo($comm->comment_content);?><br />
        When they said it: <?php echo($comm->comment_date);?><br />
      <?php endforeach;?>

    The problem that I had was that I wanted to show the post title (because it was going on the homepage). So I used the simple_recent_comments plugin (https://www.g-loaded.eu/2006/01/15/simple-recent-comments-wordpress-plugin/)

    There’s only the one php to upload and I even managed to hack around in the code to alternate the bg color of each entry (and I’m not a proper coder!).

    Hope this helps

    How do you make the titles link? Its exactly what i want but its just echo.




    This might be a little late, but I think that I have cracked it!

    $comments = get_comments('status=approve&number=5');
      foreach($comments as $comment) :?>
      <?php $my_id = $comment->comment_post_ID ; $post_id_comms = get_post($my_id); $title = $post_id_comms->post_title;?> 
        Who: <?php echo($comment->comment_author);?><br />
        About: <a href="<?php get_permalink($comment->ID)?>#comment-<?php echo $comment->comment_post_ID?>" title="on <?php echo $title ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a><br />
        What they said: <?php echo($comment->comment_content);?><br />
        When they said it: <?php echo($comment->comment_date);?><br />
      <?php endforeach;?>

    hope this helps.



    Strike that. I wasn’t echoing the permalink and also it resolved to the wrong thing.

    this is now working.

    $comments = get_comments('status=approve&number=5');
      foreach($comments as $comment) :?>
      <?php $my_id = $comment->comment_post_ID ; $post_id_comms = get_post($my_id); $title = $post_id_comms->post_title;?> 
        Who: <?php echo($comment->comment_author);?><br />
        About: <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($my_id) ?>#comment-<?php echo $comment->comment_post_ID?>" title="on <?php echo $title ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a><br />
        What they said: <?php echo($comment->comment_content);?><br />
        When they said it: <?php echo($comment->comment_date);?><br />
      <?php endforeach;?>

    Hi nathan12343.

    Your code worked great but what Im trying to add is a way of displaying how many other comments are on the post. All the ways I am trying returns a zero count.

    Any ideas?

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