Sorry to hear about the trouble you had updating. From time to time, a plugin update can fail if the complete batch of files fails to download from the WordPress server.
If you have FTP access to your site, the first thing to do would be to delete the “ultimate-product-catalogue” folder in the “plugins” directory (inside the “wp-content” folder). After that, try downloading the plugin once again from the WordPress plugin directory.
If that doesn’t work, the next step would be to try downloading the zip file of the plugin from (available at, unzipping the files and then uploading them into the “plugins” directory of your site.
If neither of those works and you do try restoring from a back-up, all of the products added before the date of the backup should be available, as the products are saved directly in the WordPress database for your site.
Please let us know if that doesn’t work. Best regards,