It took renaming the plugin directory and enabling debug mode. In hindsight, I probably should have been just fine with the first part of that.
I was pretty surprised when I saw that the blame was Query Monitor. That didn’t seem like it’d be able to take the entire site down, but it sure did. I was down for like five hours.
Recovery wasn’t too bad, once I found the culprit.
I really should set up a staging site and disable automatic updates. I’m just too lazy to do so.
Anyhow, good job at putting out the fires. By the time I noticed, the upgraded plugin was available. I’d removed the original entirely so it just needed a clean install of the most recent version.
I do have to wonder how many people this screwed over and how many people do not have the skills to fix their site. Then again, would those people have Query Monitor installed in the first place?
Meh… It just needed to have debug mode enabled and some careful cleanup. Thanks for the rapid updates to get it squared away. (I meant to send this message hours ago.) I’m sure it was a hectic time at your end of things, knowing that you’d caused a whole lot of hurt on the ecosystem – albeit temporary.