• Ok – so, I do just adore WP – but, there just HAS to be something that can be done about this login/viewing with cookies/security issue.
    Its all fine and dandy that I can turn down things on my comp. to help me.. but that doesnt help the people I want to be able to VIEW my page… so whats the point in me running WP?
    I REALLY dont like saying that either.. cause I think this is a great program – and I was so excited to move over to it – but seriously, if the majority of viewers cant see it, then why stay…..? ??
    I have done all of the following – cleaning, cookies, security, HTTPS, site vs. home, etc. etc, etc… you name it, Ive found it and done it… still doesn’t make my page viewable to the everyday person that lands on my site (and most of my ref’s and friends)
    My Site (dont thnk it will help, but I’ll add. and its far from completion – been working on this issue! hahaha)
    https://www.muze.ca (mail at nunu freak atyah oodotca)
    Please please please – magic web fairies.. users need your help!!! ??

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  • “I wanted to add some pillows and leaopard print around here”
    Did you ?

    Thread Starter muze


    not yet.. still reading the many artiles teaching me CSS – its a lovely thing!

    I really do think that this is an issue you need to shout at your hosts about.
    Cookies and whatever security settings you have do not affect my ability to view your site. Cookies are not set when all I am doing is looking.
    If someone cannot see your site, then it is because the service you are on is stopping them – and again, WP is not going to be stopping them. Really, try shouting (nicely) at them ??

    I just checked my settings – I’m on Medium.
    I can see your site using Firefox and IE6
    Honestly, CSS has nothing to do with security (it’s a text file) and the WP code also has no impact for a casual viewer. The only security you need to worry about with regard to your blog is that of access to change stuff – and WP has that covered.
    I really would email your host about this – after all, you pay for the space, so use the tech support. Ask them why you get that “Redirection exceeded” error.

    Just out of curiosity, why are you using frames that take the whole space anyways?
    I had no trouble viewing the site…..
    *ponders this….*

    Ummm…. I took a quick look at your CSS….. something’s not kosher in there……
    I see a lot of lines with out the terminating ; on the end a lot that have the ; at the begining….. I’m not sure if that’s causing your problem or not. If what you are trying to do is comment those out, I’d suggest using /* */ around the items to comment out.

    Thread Starter muze


    well.. I decided to scrap it and re-instal.
    So far so good!
    Thanks to all for listening and HELPING – wouldn’t see that on aLOT of other program sites ??
    Last one died after a day or so – so again- Im keeping my fingers crossed!!
    If all works well, I will go through other posts with updates.. nothing like having a forum full of open ended issues ??
    I’m off to enjoy my new space… night all!

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