One would think it was a simple question, but operantly not.
OK then, I am trying to come up with a mySQL query to accomplish the same thing, although my knowledge of mySQL and PHP is just about non-existent. Here’s what I came up with:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_date
FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_approved = 1
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo $row["comment_author"];
echo "<br>";
echo $row["comment_date"];
echo " <b>>></b> ";
echo $row["comment_post_ID"];
echo "<br>";
echo "End of query!";
The problem with this script is that all the comments for all the posts are pulled out, not just for the related post. I need to enter some sort of criteria to tie comment_post_ID column from table wp_comments and ID column from wp_posts, but so far I tried adding after WHERE
AND wp_comments
= wp_posts
but then I get syntax errors.
Would anybody know how to do a look-up by the related field only?