• Resolved katn401


    I’m updating a site for a client. There are several very large tmp files with the naming convention “wpclone_backup_Jan_2018…tmp”. These are all directly in the uploads folder, not within a wp-clone folder.

    Is this an old storage convention for this plugin? Is there any way I can delete these files with the current version of the plugin? I don’t have FTP access right now unfortunately. And the plugin interface is only looking for backup files within the uploads/wp-clone folder so it’s not finding these other backups.

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Plugin Support MixHa


    Hello @katn401 ,

    Please use Backup Migration to create a fresh backup of the website, as WP Clone development is discontinued. After that, you may remove the old temp files, if they are outside the default WP Clone backup storage location, e.g. /website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wp-clone/.

    Kind regards

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