• I wondered if there’s a way to display the menu section and or menu name on the individual menu post; I have a ton of menu items I’m working with, and since the drag/drop interface doesn’t remove menu items after they’re added to a section, that means a lot of time spent dragging and dropping.

    If I could somehow select the menu section I’d like a menu item to go into when I’m creating it, the process would go a lot faster.

    I tried doing this using Advanced Custom Fields (with page link fields) and have the menu sections and menus displaying on the menu item add screen, but it doesn’t save the data correctly.


    Alternately, if I could just get menu items to only appear once on the menu section selection screen (where I’m dragging and dropping items into sections), then disappear once they’ve been added, then that would also solve my problem.


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  • Plugin Author Denis V (Artprima)


    Dear Jon,

    thank you for putting your feedback here. Currently there is no way to solve your problem, the way you described.

    The reason, why a menu item is not removed when you add it to your menu is that it was supposed that the item could be used multiple times (in different menus for example).

    At the same time I understand your problem, and would be interested in finding a solution for you. Can you please clarify your first idea (“if there’s a way to display the menu section and or menu name on the individual menu post”)? Maybe it could work if I get it right.


    Thread Starter Jon Schroeder


    Sure, Artprima. I’m basically thinking of a post meta box on the “Add New Menu Item” to select the menu section (or a multiselect box to pick multiple menu sections) where that menu item would automatically be assigned.

    It would be even more convenient if, once I added a new menu item and selected the menu section, that menu section would be used as a default for the next menu item added.

    Make sense? I almost accomplished this through the Advanced Custom Fields plugin by adding a page link field directly to the add menu item screen (this correctly pulled in the menu sections and allowed me to select one, but did not correctly save the selection).

    Plugin Author Denis V (Artprima)


    Post screen metabox to allow selecting sections for items and menus for sections is really a good idea (of course, in addition to what we already have). I will take care of it as soon as I have time (currently other projects take too much time).

    Thanks for your idea. If you have some other enhancement suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let me know ??

    Thread Starter Jon Schroeder


    Thanks, Artprima! Appreciate the dialogue, and I’ll look forward to the update.

    Your plugin is being used at vicesdallas.com, though the site isn’t live just yet.

    If you’re looking for more suggestions (sorry if you aren’t!), there were a few sections on this site with too much content (a drink menu listing types of Whiskey, for example), where using the editor was simply too cumbersome and/or it didn’t easily support a layout with three or more columns.

    It would be wonderful if there were a way to more quickly input large amounts of items. Something like the Bulk content creator plugin, for example – but this particular feature set probably wouldn’t be as necessary or as useful as the post meta boxes from above.

    Regardless, I’ll look forward to seeing an update when you get time for it.


    Plugin Author Denis V (Artprima)


    Finally, I did that. Please check new metaboxes when editing or creating a section and a menu.


    im using your plugin for a menu with around 240 products and adding the menu items into the sections can be time consuming when you have to drag past many sections, possibly having a different mode/screen where you can view all menu items and checklist them and “add to” particular section(s) also the minimizing of sections in the section manager only turns the section blank and does not reduce the space that it takes up.

    Thanks!! but apart from that its great – just time consuming lol

    oh & would it be possible to have the <h2> tag for each menu optional for each individual menu? at the moment i have just removed them completely from the plugin setting and add them manually where necessary – thanks again

    & also even though personally ive added all my menu items now it may be easier for future users when you “add new menu item” that you can select the menu sections to add them when adding the meny item instead of after

    also the “item tags” such as spicy etc, once you add them you cant remove them, i added two but one would stay so i had to delete the item & re-create that menu item

    thanks again

    Plugin Author Denis V (Artprima)


    You should have created another topic as this is marked as resolved.

    it may be easier for future users when you “add new menu item” that you can select the menu sections to add them when adding the meny item instead of after

    It is not possible because you cannot define the position in the section in this case. Probably it could be possible later, if I have a clear vision on UI for this feature.

    also the “item tags” such as spicy etc, once you add them you cant remove them

    I see, it’s a bug, I will fix it, thank you.

    oh & would it be possible to have the <h2> tag for each menu optional for each individual menu? at the moment i have just removed them completely from the plugin setting and add them manually where necessary

    Well, if I understand you correctly, there is no UI for this feature, but you can always use built-in filters:

    foodlist_menu_item_template – overrides menu item template
    foodlist_menu_section_template – overrides menu section template
    foodlist_menu_template – overrides menu template

    All of these filters get global template (defined in settings) as the first parameter and post object as the second one.

    An example of php code to override the menu item template:

    add_filter('foodlist_menu_item_template', 'my_menu_item_template', 10, 2);
    function my_menu_item_template($tpl, $post) {
        if ($post->ID == 12345) {
            $tpl = '
    <div class="fl-menu-item" id="fl-menu-item-[menu_item_id]-[menu_item_instance]">
        <h2>[menu_item_title]</h2> <!-- changed to h2 -->
        <div class="fl-menu-item-meta">
                <img src="[menu_item_tag_icon_url]" alt="[menu_item_tag_description]" />
            <span class="fl-currency-sign">[currency_sign]</span>
            <span class="fl-menu-item-price">[menu_item_price]</span>
        <div class="fl-excerpt">
        <div class="clear"></div>
        return $tpl;

    This code can be placed to /wp-content/themes/yourtheme_folder/functions.php

    Plugin Author Denis V (Artprima)


    also the minimizing of sections in the section manager only turns the section blank and does not reduce the space that it takes up.

    This is a bug as well. I will fix it.

    great thankyou very much – next time i will make a new question – im new to the forum lol

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