• Resolved mquiggeorgia


    Hi, we love this plugin but found behavior that’s a big strange. Wide images (over 1900px) are being automatically resized to 1600px, even with the setting to resize set to “off”. Is this expected behavior?

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  • Temyk



    Which server are you using?

    Thread Starter mquiggeorgia




    Check the settings of WordPress: Settings -> Media -> Large size. If this parameter is not zero, the photos will be cropped when loaded

    Thread Starter mquiggeorgia


    Hi, thanks for your prompt response… been away for Thanksgiving. There is a large width and height, but it’s actually re-sizing the original image on upload. I’ll try resetting this to 0 x 0 and see what happens.


    Thread Starter mquiggeorgia


    OK, so I went to Setting > Media, set the Large dimensions to 0 x 0. Robin settings are all default. I uploaded an image 2048 x 1155, it uploaded correctly with no reduction in dimensions. Ran the Robin optimizer, and the original, full-size image reduced to 1600 x 902.


    Try enabling the resize option and save settings, and then disabling the option and save settings.
    If the option is not specified in the database, resizing is enabled by default

    Thread Starter mquiggeorgia


    That does the trick… original image remains the same size. Thank you much! I look at the Settings page though, and it looks like resizing is off by default. Is that the way it’s supposed to look? Are there other settings that are on, but appear to be in the off state?


    If this option does not exist at all, it is considered enabled by default. Indeed, this is not logical. We will fix this in next versions

    Thread Starter mquiggeorgia


    Awesome, thank you again!


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