– load this plugin:
– go to Admin page > CWA Settings and make a new widget area, call it, say “topbar”
– click “get code”, gives you: dynamic_sidebar( ‘topbar’ );
– add this widget area code to the template. Using FTP, find:
Use a plain text or code editor to add the code. The code goes between lines 71 and 72. This part of the template is html, so the code needs to go inside code tags:
<div id="page" class="hfeed">
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'topbar' ); ?>
<header id="branding" role="banner">
– go to Admin page > Appearance > Widgets, and drag the qTranslate widget into your topbar widget area
– should work…, though some custom css may be needed to get it to look good.
– if you update twentyeleven, header.php will be overwritten and you will need to re-add the code.
If I understand qTranslate properly, its up to the webmaster to translate the text, and put all the versions inside the post. qTranslate shows only the relevant version – it doesn’t actually translate the text. Is this right? Being mono-lingual myself, I use the Google translate widget:
This gives you a short script which can be pasted in a text widget.
About the lines, if there is no footer widget there maybe no lines. Not sure. See how it goes if you can move qTranslate out of the footer.