Hi Zorem,
I am following your recommended steps (Go to WooCommerce > Shipment Tracking > Settings, open the Fulfillment Workflow panel and click on the email settings icon)
However there seems to be a problem when saving any changes that are made here. This is not related to text or translation, but any changes in general.
I tried to change the size of the “Track Your Order” button from small to large, but after saving it went back to small. I tried to change the background colour of the button – same problem. Deactivating all other plugins doesn’t help.
BTW, maybe instead of that little wheel icon next to the completely unrelated setting of changing the order status you could add a tab or a link that says something like “edit customer email”? Every time I am looking for this setting I am searching forever and I keep forgetting where it is. I only found it after reading your instructions in this thread again.