• Resolved trehesten


    Cant find the string it is referred to in language setting post on homepage. Even the file isnt the same name as in the supportlink : https://www.wpgmaps.com/documentation/changing-the-google-maps-language/

    Here are string to search for:
    Open either wp-google-maps.php or wp-google-maps-pro.php if you have the Pro version and search for the following line:


    the file in install is wpgooglemaps.php when i look up with https://ftp.??

    The list of languages says this for norwegian:
    Norwegian no
    When I look in directory the files are no_NO.mo and .po

    I also found out tha these files are bad translated/not completely translated… I have completed full translation, and uploaded them. But doesnt find out how to get those active… Normally plugins detect this automatically…


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  • When i use your code
    document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gmapsJsHost + “maps.google.com/maps/api/js?<?php echo $api_version_string; ?>key=”+wpgmza_api_key+”&language=<?php echo get_locale(); ?>’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));

    instead of Hebrew i get i an known east Europien Language

    Hi there.

    Please try removing <?php echo get_locale(); ?> and adding iw and let me know if this helps?

    TNK Jarryd it’s working

    Hi omriv.

    So glad to hear! ??

    Is it possible to prevent
    the next upgrade to change this code ?

    Hi there.

    I’ll add this to our issue tracker and see if we can have a workaround in place in the next update.

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