Language problems
Hello, great plugin, works fine except I have a strange language behavior:
My admin is EN and my project’s public pages are in FR – but the plugin displays the admin section in FR and public pages in EN…
Any ideas?
Hey, first off, thanks for your review! Much appreciated!!!
I’ve had a few people want to change the “more/less info” links on the font end as well as the text for the widget without having to do a full translation so I’ve allowed this. If you have a wee look at the settings page for the plugin, you can change the text to whatever suits. Settings screenshot
The only reason why I can think that the admin section is in French is because you’ve set your WordPress Language as FR? You have to download a specific translation file to get the whole admin section to be translated.
If this is not what you want and you want my plugin to also be in English, you can simply FTP into your site and delete the
files that reside within the plugin folder. Usually these files are located here:
Let me know how you get on!
Hi, thanks for your feedback.
But I think my question was not clear enough.I indeed have language support for my site and I use WPML that manages the language versions of back & front end. This is not the problem. All sites and plugins I run work nicely without problem. My admin back end is in EN and some sites I develop are in FR.
What is strange with your plugin – only with this one! – is that it runs in FR in my admin back end (although everything else is in EN) and in EN for my site which is in FR! I mean the languages are just wrong for both my admin section and my site. As if it gets the wrong information from WP or WPML.
I don’t know if this a problem with WPML but I have about 50 plugins installed and I encounter this issue only with yours.
Let me know whether you need more info. Thanks.
Just tried with another fresh testing installation (with WPML installed) and seems to work OK at admin section. The only problem is that the date format and month names are wrong at the the site in FR language but that’s not so important.
I don’t know what happened with my main installation, but I don’t think it’s worth investigating as far as the admin section is concerned. For the front end, it’s only a question of translating the months I guess.
Another question: when displaying my events with the widget, nothing happens when I click on the event’s title. How do I get it to link to the events details? The choice I get in “Event’s Page Link” does not include the events page.
Hey, have you got a link to your website so I can see what’s going on? I don’t quite follow you.
Hi, not yet a link as I currently work locally with XAMPP.
Forget about the initial language issue, not important.
My site is in French. There are 2 questions remaining:1/ Events displaying in widget have months and days in English instead of FR. ie. “30th May” instead of “30 Mai”.
2/ My events have titles and content/description – same as pages. How do I make those titles linked to their respective content/description when displaying online? The widget settings have an “Event Page Link:” section but this links ONLY to pages and not the events themselves!
So, my question here is what is the event’s content/description made for if there is no way for displaying it somewhere – or, if you prefer: how do I manage to display/link to the event’s description/information (the content I fill in when editing an event, under the title) when clicking on a given event’s title displaying in the widget area?
Hi, that’s cool, one question, did you install the English or the French version of WordPress? I had a hell of a time trying to get the date to translate!!
1. Create a directory in /wp-content/ called ‘languages’ and download the french .po and .mo files from this link into it:
I’m going to release a quick update to the plugin within the next hour, so look out for an update.
2. This plugin doesn’t use custom post types (you have to understand that this plugin started as a simple table without even the “more info” links)!
Until I get round to rewriting this plugin to use custom post types, you’ve only got one option: create a page for each event. I know this isn’t ideal but it’s the only way around it for the moment. Using the new “link” field you can link up your pages and then in the widget the whole title becomes a link which will take you to your specified page.
(the translation of the dates won’t work until I push out the update)
Thanks for this update!
1. Yes, right, the language version works now just fine. No problem.
2. Here, on the other hand, I don’t really understand the purpose of having a description of the event if, as you say, I have to link a given event to a page. OK, I understand you don’t use custom post types, but why then do we get a text field for each event where we may enter “additional information about the event”? What is that for?
Glad you’ve got the languages working!
For your second point, take a look at this screenshot:
The map you see here as well as the “be sure to check..” text is what I’ve added into the “additional info”. I had created that field as a quick way to get across some info like: “Doors open at 7, tickets £2”.
Hope this helps?
Hum… I’m more than confused here:
How do you get this page…?
I have entered 2 test events and then inserted them in a footer with your widget.
Both events are listed there but they are not clickable and there is no way to get to the details.I simply don’t know how you can get a page like the one you just sent to me with the link that lists all events… I’m I missing something?
Recently I had another display problem with another plugin and the same project & theme and their support told me that “The theme has a global style declared on the select tag” and that created some problems and they just gave a line of code to add and the problem was solved. Can this be the problem also here?
Ah! Sorry – I wasn’t following what you meant!!!
Right, the short answer is that the widget is just a quick overview and doesn’t allow what you’re after.
The long answer is that the “additional info” field is meant for the table that the [shortcode] spits out. In a recent version of this plugin I’ve added in the ability to add a link to an event which, if set, is used in the widget and makes the title clickable. This takes you to the link you set – not a page with the event details.
Hope this clears things up?
Note to self: create documentation…
OK, got it! Works fine as you described.
Now… 2 additional remarks:
1. In French, there is a problem in settings with the apostrophe *’* – which is often used in FR. If this is used in any field in settings, the plugin adds a backslash each and every time you save those settings. The result is, after some consecutive settings save, like this “Plus d\\\\\\\’infos” – instead of “Plus d’infos”. This is a bug I’ve already encountered somewhere else, in another programme, but don’t remember where exactly.
2. The widget, as you state, has the ability to add a link to a page that includes the shortcode. (This was what I was missing here). It adds a new, clickable line “see all events” and that works fine. Wouldn’t be interesting to also have the widget’s title to be clickable?
This is a matter of discussion as, normally, the title should announce the “next” events only and if you make it clickable it will link to ALL events. But, still, I think this might be an interesting option for a next update: to have the choice, in the widget, to make the title clickable or not – in addition to the existing link you already have here.
In fact, re point 2:
Making the title clickable in the widget is indeed a good idea as I just discovered we are able to create pages with the shortcode that displays only forthcoming events.
In that case, I would create 2 pages: one with all events and another one only with forthcoming ones. The first one would be linked with the existing link at bottom of the widget and the second one to the widget’s title.
Thanks for pointing out point 1, that’s a quick fix and I’ll sort that out as soon as I can.
Regarding point 2, I think you’re completely correct and I’ll include that when I’m fixing point 1.
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