• hi everybody,
    it seems that i’m not the only one having this problem but i haven’t understand how to solve it:
    i worked on a local copy of my website, installed worpress, everything worked fine.
    after i uploaded all the files and database on the web server i noticed that my admin panel only shows up in english and not in italian which is my language.
    i did upload the files it_IT.mo and it_IT.po and i did setup the file wp-config.php adding define (‘WPLANG’, ‘it_IT’);
    i emailed the hosting provider but they have no idea on how to solve this problem.
    if anyone can help, it will be very appreciated

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  • mdsmds – has that bug been reported to Trac?




    I have this problem with

    WordPress 2.3.1
    PHP 5.2.3
    MSQL 5.0.27-standard.

    No matter what language files I put in WP they are not applied even though I edit wp-config as needed.

    Any ideas what to do?



    I have the same problem.

    WordPress 2.3.1
    PHP 5.2.3
    MySQL 4.1.22



    Thank you kenanoff
    This solution is working.

    System: OpenSuse 10.3 x86_64 PHP 5.2.4

    If someone don’t understand, you must fix gettext.php file and localisation should work on x86_64 system(wp 2.3.1).


    $this->BYTEORDER = 0;
    // $this->error = 1; // not MO file
    // return false;

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