Thanks for your message. German translations for VikRentCar can be downloaded from the WordPress official translation page of our plugin, or they can be manually downloaded from the users-contributed translations available for free download on our website.
Once you get the PO/MO file (approved translations on WordPress will be automatically downloaded, but maybe German does not have a 100% completion score yet), you can upload it manually onto the WordPress language directory, or within the internal plugin’s directory /wp-content/plugins/vikrentcar/languages/
, as that’s the Domain Path from which WordPress will automatically load the translation files for our plugin, depending on your currently active language.
However, it may be possible that the PO/MO file you downloaded is incomplete. Therefore, only a few translations are visible between the front-end and back-end sections of your site. Completing a translation can be done through plugins like LocoTranslate, or on your computer through desktop apps like PoEdit. This should make your plugin 100% translated.
Regarding the second issue: you are free to use any page-builder plugin to publish Shortcodes or Widgets (Blocks) that come with VikRentCar. However, some Shortcodes must be set up in order to properly route links and forms of the booking process generated by our plugin.
You can create new Shortcodes from the apposite back-end page of VikRentCar (top toolbar button in the Dashboard page) and add them to new pages of your website that you will be able to edit with any page-builder plugin. Alternatively, you can use your page-builder plugin, even the native Gutenberg, to publish new Shortcodes on new pages by choosing the apposite block-type and by selecting the type of Shortcode. Both solutions will always create a Shortcode record in VikRentCar, and link it to an existing page/post ID of your website. This is how the routing functions, URLs and links will work properly.
It is strongly recommend to create at least 3 types of Shortcodes and link them to a corresponding page of your website: Search Form, Cars List and Order Details.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team