• Hi Global Search Team,

    we are using bp global search since two weeks and we are very happy to have it. Unfortunately, not all aspects of the global search are translated on our site. Here some examples what is and what it not translated:

    in german:
    – you’ve searched for in the browser tab
    – search results as heading

    not translated:
    – any of the buddypress components as heading of the list(eg.forums, members, groups)
    – posts as heading of the list
    – none of the item tabs above the search results (All, posts etc.)

    We have the latest and completely translated version for buddypress, bbpress as well as for our BOSS Theme (https://www.buddyboss.com/tutorials/ ; caption 2.6)

    Can you give me any hint where to look or where the problem might be?
    Looking forward to hear from you!
    global search 1.1.0
    bbpress 2.5.8
    BOSS Theme
    events manager 5.6


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  • Hi,

    I have the same problem, and it seems that other people have as well on your own support forums as long as 5 months ago.

    When will this be fixed?

    Hi Global Search Team,

    Thank’s for this Awesome plug-in!

    Any development on the front-end translation issue?

    Yep. Same thing for me in French.

    Is possible to make this translation possible for the results? Could you have a look at it?

    Thank you.



    The same here. On cveko.si.

    i had a global issue with french translation, just rename correctly your .po and .mo files
    originally we have this:


    but we need this syntax (no underscores) :


    for a partial problem, maybe the plugin author will need to use the buddypress components translation to apply it dynamically on headings in search results.

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