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  • To resolve your problem you should rename the files to:

    It is also recommended (but not mandatory) to copy these 2 files to a wp-content/languages/plugins/better-wp-security folder. You will need to create this folder as by default it does not yet exist.
    This way when the iTSec plugin is updated in the future you will not lose your translation files … nor do you need to copy the 2 files again to the wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/lang folder after updating …

    Are you willing to share your French language files ? If so please send them to [ redacted, support is not offered via email, Skype, IM etc. only in the forums ]. Merci !


    Thread Starter viriis


    Thank you very much but it doesn’t work ??

    I have added my language french bu the categorys “SETTING an ADVENCED” doesn’t appear.

    Ps: I have found the language:

    Thank you for your help

    Yes, but at least the plugin is now using the translation files because the files are named correctly …

    You are just hitting a known translation bug.

    Read this topic to work around the translation bug:

    The French translation on transifex is not based on a recent iTSec plugin release … (4.3 versus 4.6). It contains only 890 translation strings where there should be 959 …

    Merge the .po file from transifex with the 4.6.13 better-wp-security.pot file using a tool like Poedit and you will see what I mean …

    After the merge I see there are 84 strings not translated. Only 91% (875) is translated.


    Thread Starter viriis



    Thank you very much ??

    FYI: translations on Transifex are now up to date

    And at least the pot file should be renamed in the languages folder, so user don’t get those kind of errors when they use the pot slug name.

    WPCS are here! ??

    Where did you download the french translation?

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