Well I investigated a little bit about how localization works in wordpress. There is now a central way, that plugin developers can use to deal with the localization files. Finally the files are then stored no longer in the plugin directory, but in the wordpress path “wp-content\languages\plugins”.
So the generation of localized .po and .mo files is delegated to the wordpress website to the translation section of each plugin. There is now a standardized process for user contribution, where users can suggest translations and the plugin developer can accept (or reject) this translation. I guess (I don’t know it right now), at a certain percentage of translated text, wordpress generates the localized files and updates them through the wordpress update process. In the past I’ve seen that at the word press dashboard there were also “Localization updates” available.
Well, this is a process, that would overwrite files, if we edit them. Nothing that we can do against it, we should NOT edit them anyhow in this way…
Our problem is now, that with version 4 icegram is using the wordpress localization and, despite there are already many translation suggestions, they haven’t yet accepted much of them, so the localization files are not generated and we do not get them on our installations.
EDIT: I’ve just copied the localized files “email-subscribers-de_DE.mo” and “email-subscribers-de_DE.po” from old 3.5.18 path “\languages” into the path “wp-content\languages\plugins”. Now I am getting some localization in the backend section, showing me, that this is the correct location for localization files now. However, icegram should focus now on accepting those translations, that we are getting localization again via the official wordpress process!!!