I purchased a shipping label, got an error that it could not be purchased at this time, tried purchasing again and then saw that my card was charged twice. How can I be refunded for the second label?
I saw that you created a ticket as well and just sent a reply to you there, as that is a better avenue for issues like this. If you don’t see that reply to your ticket, let me know. Thanks!
Hi @shaunkuschel I just had this same thing happen to me today but neither of the two attempts worked so I ended up having to take the box to the post office and buy the labels directly from them. It wasn’t until then that I noticed by card had been hit twice so I’d need both payments to be refunded.
I haven’t created a ticket for this issue though so how would I go about finding out what to do to get this resolved. Also, the error I got was “0” so what does that mean?
My domain is sweetcoralice.com and I have two paypal transaction numbers for these attempts.
– Cori
It looks like you did submit a ticket after commenting here, so I’m going to reply there to help you out.
Regarding the “0” error that you referenced, I believe that full error message was the following:
The WooCommerce Services server returned HTTP code: 0
If that is correct, that issue should be resolved now- but I will be following up with you on that ticket to take care of the refunds. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
There don’t seem to be any other reports of this since recently, so I’m going to mark this thread as solved. If anyone does experience this issue again, go ahead and contact us at WooCommerce.com > My Account > Tickets (you may need to create an account before you can access that page). Thanks!
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