• I’m pleased to report that having spent lots of time browsing this forum, I’ve managed to get Kubrik up and running (simple) and have even managed to change it slightly (difficult) on my own. But now I need some help…
    I want to create a couple of simple static pages consisting of my own text in the left hand (main) blog section (but without date and comments, etc), while preserving all of the right hand navigation bar functionality (i.e. archives, search, links, etc.).
    I had assumed I could just make a copy of index.php, rename it to, for example, about.php , remove some of the code replacing it with the relevant html . But I’m getting errors when I try this. I expect I’m deleting the wrong sections of code – I know next to nothing about php.
    Can someone tell me which sections of code to delete or if my approach is wrong, can someone please tell me how to achieve this.

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  • Have you had a chance to poke thru Michael’s site? https://binarybonsai.com. He has answered a lot of support questions there specific to Kubrick. If you haven’t already done so, I’d certainly suggest investigating from there. Michael has also asked that support issues be addressed there so he doesn’t have to wander all over the ether looking for Kubrick issues.

    i used the ezStatic pluggin to accomplish exactly what you are asking. It took just a one line change to make it work. On line 118 in exStatic change “menu” to “sidebar” and you will be good to go.

    yes, it does work! Thanks man!

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