• I want to play with the layout of the default theme.
    I’m making a new header, I see I have to change some values in the header.php file. When I open that file between the style tags the only thing i can find is the following code:

    <style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>

    // Checks to see whether it needs a sidebar or not
    if ( !$withcomments && !is_single() ) {
    #page { background: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/kubrickbg.jpg”) repeat-y top; border: none; }
    <?php } else { // No sidebar ?>
    #page { background: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/kubrickbgwide.jpg”) repeat-y top; border: none; }
    <?php } ?>

    No #header like they tell in the following post on this forum:

    How come ?

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  • Yes, K. and default are the same.
    And there should be much more than what you posted.

    As a general advice: I wouldn’t bother modifying the K. – it is very unfriendly…

    What is the best way to create a new theme? Is it working from scratch? If so, would you kindly inform me of which files I’ll need to edit and how I know what I should keep from the default template?

    When creating a new design, is it best to just start from scatch? If so, how do I know which tags I must retain in order to ensure that wordpress still works?

    Thanks in advance.


    @misterhhs, that’s because Octa and I had the fixes for the Default 1.5 theme, alot of these fixes and changes have been made since that, and in the latest download of WordPress 2.0.4.. even the Default Theme’s version changed from 1.5 to 1.6..

    Alot of the header.php CSS codes were moved into the style.css file. ?? Grab the latest version of WordPress here:

    1) Take out the Default theme from that..

    2) Backup ALL of your original Default theme files and such, incase you have plugin code’s added to it..

    3) In blog’s control panel, Select another theme temporarily..

    4) In the FTP directory.. delete the Old Default 1.5 theme files..

    5) Then Upload the newer ones..

    6) Then if you had plugin codes added to the old ones, just put them back in the proper places like before, but inside the newest Default 1.6 files..

    7) Then re-select Default theme again.. you should be set to go..


    But, like moshu usually says though, it’d be easier to find another theme to mess with.. =) ??

    I find that modifying an existing theme doesn’t work for me.

    Is there any way that someone could tell me what elements the header.php file *must* have in order to be functional (ie the ‘bare bones’)?

    Thank you!

    jummy, that link that febwa1976 gave above has some useful resources in it… =)


    This one might too:

    Good luck!


    Thank you, spencerp

    since I drafted that “visual anatomy” – I have to warn you: it does NOT contain all the necessary code, only a general view of how the template files build up a theme!

    jummy, Please listen to moshu..I was merely posting it for reference purposes ONLY. Not to go by it for serious use, purposes. ??

    You wanted something for a “bare bones” reference, and that’s what it is, basically.. =P


    Thanks moshu for clarifying that.. I was off, well I’m still off doing Installs for people.. ?? =)

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